Here’s our indie pop playlist for July 2023, featuring the best in independent pop and alt music:
Here are a few tracks to draw a bit of extra attention to in our indie pop playlist for July 2023 to enjoy your summer to as it heats up.

Worlds Unluckiest Guy (Swim Deep, Hatchie) – We open this indie pop playlist for July 2023 with “Worlds Unluckiest Guy” because I can’t get this song out of my head. The lofi repetitive drum loop keeps this track moving along to an insanely catchy chorus I never get sick of.
Only Two at the Start (DD Walker) – I just love the vibes on “Only Two at the Start” from DD Walker.
St. Mark’s Place (Only Twin) – As Only Twin’s profile tagline says, his sound is akin to an emo Phil Collins, and that sound suits me just fine on “St. Mark’s Place”.
Set it on Fire (Blood Cultures) – Blood Cultures craft a catchy, meandering tuning chorus-filled pop track on this one with “Set it on Fire”.